從各地、從東從西、從南從北、所招聚來的 … 因他使心裡渴慕的人、得以知足、使心裡飢餓的人、得飽美物。(107:3,9)


v     黃金海岸區域華人傳揚福音

v     信徒栽培包括聖經教導、事奉、見証

v     與信仰相同教會於本地及海外福音事工合作

黃金海岸為澳大利亞第六大城市,位於昆士蘭省首府布里斯班南面約一小時車程,是一頗受本土及海外遊客歡迎的目的地。因全年日照平均有三百多天,故此也可說是日光之下甚麽都有:温度和熱帶氣候相互作用使這地區不但有怡人的氣候,更且發展出種目繁多的動植物。這裡比較著名的有格理菲斯大學(Griffith University)及邦德大學(Bond University),也有位於世界聞名以連綿幼細白沙海灘上的衝浪者天堂(Surfers Paradise)。雖然難與澳大利亞其他大城市如悉梨、布理斯、墨爾本比較,但黃金海岸仍有一程度的華人人口,多是來自中國、香港、台灣、馬來西亞及新加坡等地之移民及學生。




The city of Gold Coast, including Tweed Heads, is now ranked as the 6th most-populated city in Australia with a population of just over 600,000.  According to the Gold Coast City Council’s population profile of the area from the 2011 census on the language spoken at home other than English, there were 4,252 persons who used Mandarin and 2,448 persons who used Cantonese. The number of people with China (excl. SARs and Taiwan) as the country of birth was 3,417 at 0.7% of the population.

The Gold Coast Chinese Christian Church was established in Aug 1990 and the Church moved to the present self-owned premises on Government leased land at 3 Byth Street, Arundel QLD from May 2007.

The Gold Coast Chinese Church’s mission is to reach the Chinese population in the Gold Coast area for our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our mission:

-          -  To evangelise to the Chinese population in the Gold Coast area

-          -  To build disciples for Christ by bible-teaching, services, and witnesses

-         -   To work together with organisations of same faith, local and overseas

The Church has a congregation of about 200, about ¼ are teens and young adults. Most members are from China, Hong Kong SAR, and Taiwan, with a lesser number from Malaysia, Singapore, and other Asian countries. We provide Sunday worship services in each of the Cantonese, Mandarin, and English languages. While the Chinese language service mainly targets the adult congregation, the English service, at the present stage of Church development, targets the teens and young adults.

The range of services provided by the Church include worship meetings, fellowship and cell groups, bible study classes, Sunday school for children, outreach to elderlies and students, evangelical missions overseas, discipleship training, prayer meetings, and ceremonial services including Lord’s Supper and baptism.

As the Gold Coast population expands, the Church anticipates a demand for more active involvement of the Church in the community. We also see a need to further develop the Youth Ministry in the coming years by outreaching. We pray that God will lead us and give us the wisdom to continue to serve Him faithfully in the years ahead.